Thursday 12 August 2010

It's Him Again!

Alfred the Great, Ethelred the Unready, Edmund the Magnificent, Edgar the Peaceful, Edward the Confesssor. Leaders from the past whose names are remembered fondly. I fear they are soon to be joined in the pantheon by Cameron the Half-Baked, who won't be recalled with any fondness (at least by me).
His latest pronouncement is in support of Greater Manchester's councillors'  idea for local bye-laws to impose a minimum price per unit on alcoholic drinks. The aim is to prevent yobbos from getting tanked up on cheap booze bought from the supermarket before venturing out into the streets of Manchester for a drink-fuelled orgy of mayhem and destruction. Well it doesn't take a genius to figure out where this plan will fail. The yobbos will merely drive along the M62 to Leeds and buy their cheap booze by the van-load! And no doubt meanwhile create a black market in cheap wallop. Before venturing out into the streets for a drink-fuelled orgy of mayhem and destruction.
I always drink responsibly.

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